At the Capitol
Today is the first day of the 2020 Minnesota Legislative Session! Here at Gender Justice, we’re ready to fight for policies to build a Minnesota where all people can thrive regardless of their gender, gender expression, and sexual orientation. We’re alarmed by the number of unprecedented attacks on the dignity and humanity of trans youth and our right to safe, legal abortion in other state legislatures already this year. Rest assured, we’re ready to fight back against attempts to rollback our rights.
Removing Barriers to Justice for Sexual Harassment Survivors (H.F. 10/S.F. 1307)
In the #MeToo era, both employers and employees know sexual harassment is limiting their ability to do their jobs. Minnesota state courts have adopted the federal standard which states that sexual harassment must be “severe or pervasive,” which has become a barrier for both employees and employers to ensure safe and equitable workplaces free from sexual harassment. This bill provides much needed clarification to our sexual harassment law, restores the intent of the Minnesota Human Rights Act, and removes a roadblock to justice.
Protect Physician’s Integrity Act (S.F. 2737)
Since 2003, people who have decided to have an abortion must schedule an extra, medically unnecessary appointment to hear a state-mandated script, and then wait 24 hours before obtaining care. The script includes medically irrelevant information, like suggesting a false link between abortion and breast cancer. Mandating what doctors must say to all of their patients, regardless of the situation or the medical opinion of the doctor, is not only dangerous to the health of patients, but wrongly puts politicians in control of the conversations we have with our healthcare providers. The Protect Physician’s Integrity Act will protect the patient-provider relationship by keeping health care decisions where they belong – in the examination room, not the Capitol.
Paid Family Medical Leave (H.F. 5/S.F. 1060)
Every day, Minnesotans face impossible choices between losing a paycheck or caring for a new child, an aging loved one, or themselves. Because women are most likely to be caregivers and need time away from work following the birth of a child, a strong paid family and medical leave program will help close the gender wage gap and promote gender equity in the workplace and in our homes. The MN proposal does not discriminate based on gender – anyone who needs leave can get it, meaning fathers and non-gestational parents will have the ability to take parental leave to bond with their new baby too. We are proud to be part of the strong coalition fighting to level the playing field for all Minnesotans.
Conversion Therapy Ban (H.F. 12/S.F. 83)
Conversion Therapy causes immeasurable harm and has been denounced by every mainstream medical and mental health association, including the American Medical Association, American Psychological Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics. Minneapolis and Duluth both banned the practice within their cities near the end of last year. Gender equity can’t exist when we allow people to be bullied and manipulated because of who they love or how they identify. This bill prohibits licensed medical professionals from practicing conversion therapy on minors or vulnerable adults.
Be sure to join us for a rally with OutFront Minnesota and Gov. Tim Walz in support of a ban on conversion therapy!
Ask your representatives to support these bills to advance gender equity throughout Minnesota – and don’t forget to join us for Reproductive Freedom Lobby Day on February 19th. We will be rallying at the Capitol and meeting with legislators to UnRestrict Minnesota!
Join us in creating a Minnesota where everyone can thrive no matter their gender, gender expression or identity, or sexual orientation.
How We Make Change
What We Fight For
- Economic Justice
- Reproductive Freedom & Justice
- Freedom from Gender-Based Violence
- Trans & LGBQ Liberation
Where Barriers Occur
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