Amicus Brief: Nicole LaPoint v. Family Orthodontics, P.A.
Pregnancy should never be a barrier at work, and we know pregnancy discrimination stands in the way of thriving communities for all of us.
In 2016, Nicole LaPoint sued Family Orthodontics for rescinding her job offer when they found out she was pregnant, violating her right to equal opportunity and protection from sex discrimination under the Minnesota Human Rights Act. Family Orthodontics claimed that her pregnancy had nothing to do with the retraction, but we know that biases against pregnant people were at play. As an organization committed to enforcing the state and federal laws that protect the essential economic rights of pregnant workers, Gender Justice filed an amicus brief to express support of Nicole LaPoint and prohibit all forms of workplace discrimination against women based on pregnancy or parenting-related stereotypes and biases.
While pregnant workers or job applicants may be liked, they are often viewed – without any additional evidence beyond the pregnancy itself – as being less competent and more likely to need time off, miss work, or quit. – Gender Justice
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